I've found I'm scared to know I'm always on your mind
I'm leaving for Vegas tomorrow morning and somehow, I find myself wanting to get away from the O.C. Somehow I find myself wanting to create space and distance. I hate these kinda days when I feel so freakin' iffy!
Anyway, I think I little time away from the O.C. does the soul some good.
He'll drive a funky car
SO A LOT HAS BEEN HAPPENING. Let me break it down:

Trin's 8th Birthday Picnic at the park
Tia's and Kevin's Birthday Bonfire
I've been sooo busy it's not funny anymore. (HA!) Naww, school has been fun! APAC's been crazy! The laughter that APAC generates is enough to support the needs of Singapore. Yes, that much laughter.
I'm stoked. Today's K's surprise birthday dinner at BJ's and the Baclagan girls are COMING! TODAY! OMGGGGGGGGAWSH!
Baclagan impromptu stay over
Trin's 8th Birthday Picnic at the park
Tia's and Kevin's Birthday Bonfire
I've been sooo busy it's not funny anymore. (HA!) Naww, school has been fun! APAC's been crazy! The laughter that APAC generates is enough to support the needs of Singapore. Yes, that much laughter.
I'm stoked. Today's K's surprise birthday dinner at BJ's and the Baclagan girls are COMING! TODAY! OMGGGGGGGGAWSH!
So we had APAC Twin Day last Wednesday and it was super fun! HAHAH Tia, Trin and I were triplets.
I just had a hell of a week rushing my two important projects! When I say rush, I mean finishing them on the last hour! seriously THE LAST HOUR. Yesterday concluded my hellish week and I got to hang out with :)! HAHAHA! (Marietta I know you're reading this)
This weekend is going to be fun! Jessa's coming down from Buena Park!
Even if the sky is falling down
The Labour Day weekend was AWESOMELY WICKED!
The LA/Burbank gang came over on Saturday night and stayed all the way till Sunday afternoon. We went to Salt Creek Beach and I must say, I GOT A NICE TAN! HAHAHA! I swear. The waves are cold and huge. I LIKE! It sucks to have Ria and Pats living so far away! I WANT THEM TO MOVE DOWN TO SOUTHERN O.C!
OH! I attended a spin class with my Mother and I almost died. Imagine cycling in an enclosed room with 20 people. All I could really see was the buttocks of the dude infront of me.
School tomorrow!
The LA/Burbank gang came over on Saturday night and stayed all the way till Sunday afternoon. We went to Salt Creek Beach and I must say, I GOT A NICE TAN! HAHAHA! I swear. The waves are cold and huge. I LIKE! It sucks to have Ria and Pats living so far away! I WANT THEM TO MOVE DOWN TO SOUTHERN O.C!
OH! I attended a spin class with my Mother and I almost died. Imagine cycling in an enclosed room with 20 people. All I could really see was the buttocks of the dude infront of me.
School tomorrow!
Happy birthday Mr. Ang!
On Sunday night, I called Pling cuz she was school to celebrate Mr. Ang's birthday with fellow 405-rians. HAHA! ..rians. Anyway, it was so overwhelming to speak to Peiling, Desmond, Kiat Han, James, Dom, Debbie and MR ANG! Gosh, I've missed Singapore SO MUCH!
The Top Stories of the Hour:
2.Gilbert thinks I'm one of his Facebook stalkers. Whatever!
3.Rosanna has returned back to England! BOO! I wasn't even able to see her while she was in Florida.
The Top Stories of the Hour:
2.Gilbert thinks I'm one of his Facebook stalkers. Whatever!
3.Rosanna has returned back to England! BOO! I wasn't even able to see her while she was in Florida.
Put the hamburger down and no one gets hurt
The first week in college has been okay, I guess. Apart from having a swollen face for the past 3 days, classes have been interesting!
I've joined APAC (American Philippine Appreciation Club). I've visited the cafeteria twice for some good old fashioned yogurt. I've seen the restroom cubicles far too many times (HAHA I have a liquid diet). I've made a couple of friends. I've gotten free ice cream.
Anyway, I now hate people who chew. Okay, I don't really hate you guys but I get so angry when my mom and Trin are chewing away while I have to swallow WHOLE food. WHOLE! YOU KNOW HOW AWFUL THAT IS? IT'S TERRIBLE.
Swollen cheeks
I've joined APAC (American Philippine Appreciation Club). I've visited the cafeteria twice for some good old fashioned yogurt. I've seen the restroom cubicles far too many times (HAHA I have a liquid diet). I've made a couple of friends. I've gotten free ice cream.
Anyway, I now hate people who chew. Okay, I don't really hate you guys but I get so angry when my mom and Trin are chewing away while I have to swallow WHOLE food. WHOLE! YOU KNOW HOW AWFUL THAT IS? IT'S TERRIBLE.
Swollen cheeks
All I want for Christmas is my two back teeth
WELL! actually I don't want them back! BUT TODAY WAS THE DAY!
I went to the dentist today and they extracted two of my wisdom teeth. WHEEPEEEE! It wasn't very fun AT ALL! After the extraction, I felt like my lip ballooned to the size of a gargantuan elephant! (Thank GOD my lip's back to it's normal shape) WAIT, it didn't even enlarge. It just FELT like it. Anyway, Trin was making a lot of commotion at the clinic and was instructed to wait outside patiently.
I now can proudly say that I have a mouthful of gauze!
Baby (M) has been calling me these days. THANKS! I LOVE YOU FOR ETERNITY!
I went to the dentist today and they extracted two of my wisdom teeth. WHEEPEEEE! It wasn't very fun AT ALL! After the extraction, I felt like my lip ballooned to the size of a gargantuan elephant! (Thank GOD my lip's back to it's normal shape) WAIT, it didn't even enlarge. It just FELT like it. Anyway, Trin was making a lot of commotion at the clinic and was instructed to wait outside patiently.
I now can proudly say that I have a mouthful of gauze!
Baby (M) has been calling me these days. THANKS! I LOVE YOU FOR ETERNITY!
Your voice was the soundtrack of my summer
Moving back to the U.S has opened my eyes.
I went to Saddleback College with my Mother this morning to pay the balance of my school fees. Today, I'm a high school graduate.
On Monday, I'll be a college student.
On Tuesday, I'll be known as the one of squirmed too much on the dentist chair.
On Wednesday, I'll have 4 less teeth in my mouth. HA!
I'm so excited and nervous about school. I've been ranting about my predictions via email to Marietta, Pling, Gwen and Joey! OMG how if I stumble down the stairs cuz I'm too nervous? How if I introduce myself to the class in gibberish? how if I get lost on campus? OMGOOOOOOSH! Pray that I won't lose my way and end up on the 5 freeway.
Anyway, summer's coming to an end and it's bittersweet.
I really miss Singapore and the Philippines. I miss my friends, my cousins, my families, the awesome kick ass food, the weather (????!!!?), the atmosphere and the air.
I went to Saddleback College with my Mother this morning to pay the balance of my school fees. Today, I'm a high school graduate.
On Monday, I'll be a college student.
On Tuesday, I'll be known as the one of squirmed too much on the dentist chair.
On Wednesday, I'll have 4 less teeth in my mouth. HA!
I'm so excited and nervous about school. I've been ranting about my predictions via email to Marietta, Pling, Gwen and Joey! OMG how if I stumble down the stairs cuz I'm too nervous? How if I introduce myself to the class in gibberish? how if I get lost on campus? OMGOOOOOOSH! Pray that I won't lose my way and end up on the 5 freeway.
Anyway, summer's coming to an end and it's bittersweet.
I really miss Singapore and the Philippines. I miss my friends, my cousins, my families, the awesome kick ass food, the weather (????!!!?), the atmosphere and the air.
Baby, you got the keys
Yes, I've gotten my driver's permit but my mom gets all nervous when I'm behind the wheel. Sometimes she's even practically screaming at me.
Some days I'm lucky and she lets me drive around the cult-de-sac. Some days she lets me drive in the parking lot. BUT TODAY she let me drive all the way home from the freeway! That's approximately 2 miles. 2 miles of sheer freedom!
Anyway, last night I barely slept because my sister had a friend over and they stayed up till 3! OMG and we had to wake up at 6 AM for church. AH! My brain's all hay wired right now so I shall hop along and watch the season premiere of Kourtney and Khloe Take Miami.
Bye dolls!
Some days I'm lucky and she lets me drive around the cult-de-sac. Some days she lets me drive in the parking lot. BUT TODAY she let me drive all the way home from the freeway! That's approximately 2 miles. 2 miles of sheer freedom!
Anyway, last night I barely slept because my sister had a friend over and they stayed up till 3! OMG and we had to wake up at 6 AM for church. AH! My brain's all hay wired right now so I shall hop along and watch the season premiere of Kourtney and Khloe Take Miami.
Bye dolls!
You know that poopish feeling inside?
Oh gosh, I feel like poop. (this blog is totally PG, okay?)
Anyway, I wanted to meet up with the Baclagan sisters today but my mom's hectic schedule forced me to back out last minute. Sucky huh? If only they didn't live so far. They live in Burbank and I live in Dana Point. F-A-R!
I feel so suckish right now cuz I backed out.
Sorry Patricia and Ria :(
Anyway, I wanted to meet up with the Baclagan sisters today but my mom's hectic schedule forced me to back out last minute. Sucky huh? If only they didn't live so far. They live in Burbank and I live in Dana Point. F-A-R!
I feel so suckish right now cuz I backed out.
Sorry Patricia and Ria :(
I still love Laguna Beach
The past two weeks have been awesome! I was so busy enrolling into Saddleback College. I've taken my matric test, taken my student I.D picture and enrolled into classes. YAY! I'M A STUDENT NOW :)
Anyway, there were so many people at my place on Saturday: Mom, Trin, Tita Hariette, Tita Cristy, Ate Angel, Micheal, Iya, Pats, Christian, Kim, Caloy and Celina! GOSH! The whole L.A/ Burbank gang came over and we headed over to the beach! The waves were awesomely huge and we splashed, screamed and laughed. Gosh, we attracted so many unwanted stares but WHO CARES? When we got home, we had had pockets full of sand. HAHA!
I'm so excited for college to start!
Birthday whuuuuuut?
At one point of time during the journey to So Cal, I thought I was about to die. DIE OF EMBARASSMENT.
I was trying to find a descent radio station and I finally settled on a hip hop station. SUDDENLY, 'Birthday Sex' came on. I thought it was the censored version so I just sang along and to my horror, it wasn't the censored version:
Girl you know I-I-I
Girl you know I-I-I
I've been feenin'
Wake up in the late night...dreamin' about your lovin'
Girl you know I-I-I
Girl you know I-I-I
Don't need candles or cake
just need your body to make good
Birthday sex
Birthday sex
It's the best day of the year, girl
Birthday sex
Birthday sex
It feels like, feels like... lemme hit that...g-spot g-spot
I was trying to find a descent radio station and I finally settled on a hip hop station. SUDDENLY, 'Birthday Sex' came on. I thought it was the censored version so I just sang along and to my horror, it wasn't the censored version:
Girl you know I-I-I
Girl you know I-I-I
I've been feenin'
Wake up in the late night...dreamin' about your lovin'
Girl you know I-I-I
Girl you know I-I-I
Don't need candles or cake
just need your body to make good
Birthday sex
Birthday sex
It's the best day of the year, girl
Birthday sex
Birthday sex
It feels like, feels like... lemme hit that...g-spot g-spot
You don't have to be cool to rule my world
After 400 miles, 10 hours, 13 fruit stop signs, A MILLION COWS and a plate of delicious corn beef, I AM FINALLY HOME! YAY! OMG I'VE NEVER BEEN SO HAPPY TO BE HOME.
My mom and I left Diane's place at around 7AM and our feet touched Dana Point soil at approximately 6PM. SUCCESS!
3oo miles of cows grazing on dry grass + 100 miles of city traffic = 2 ladies looking like they got spit out of a tornado.
Anyway, I'm glad to be home.
My mom and I left Diane's place at around 7AM and our feet touched Dana Point soil at approximately 6PM. SUCCESS!
3oo miles of cows grazing on dry grass + 100 miles of city traffic = 2 ladies looking like they got spit out of a tornado.
Anyway, I'm glad to be home.
Road Trip
The 7 hour drive to Sacremento was like WOAH! It was long, bumpy and smelly.
NEVERTHELESS, the scenery that surrounded the interstate freeway was so interesting and inspiring. There were miles and miles of greenery. Something you can't find in So Cal. At one point of time, we thought was it was raining but actually it was BUGS that were flying into the windshield. Gross but AMAZING! (I sound like a dork, don't I?) I mean. I've never experienced bugs flying into the windshield.
We got into Yuba City on Wednesday morning. Diane's house was NOTHING like I expected. I thought it was a small, dingy house but much to my surprise, it's a quiant, victorian house. I LIKE! The house is situated on a quiet street lined with other cute houses.
Yuba City extends it's love to you!
P.S My mom and I are driving back to So Cal tomorrow morning. Wish us good luck! Driving next to long haulers SCARES THE DEATH OUT OF ME.
My mom took Trin and I to Costa Mesa hoping to catch the swap meet but as it turned out to be the swap meet was actually THE OC FAIR! WOHOOOOOO! YES CHA-CHING FOR TRIN AND I! There were tons of rides and junk food. We even paid to see an incredulously large steer and horse. WTHECK? THEY WERE HUGE.
The steer was so huge that I can safely say that Trin can comfortably stand underneath it's udders. YES THAT HUGE!
I will be going to Yuba City tomorrow. YAY! I'll get to experience Northern Cal for a change!
After reading through the entire Driver's handbook, I tuned into America's Got Talent and I saw this KICK ASS PERFORMANCE BY KEVIN SKINNER! Man, he rules!
Unlike Nigel Soh, who is Kris Allen's die hard fan, I only watch the audition portion of American Idol. This may sound harsh but I secretly love to watch the auditions because you watch people going "Yeah, I'm gonna be the NEXT AMERICAN IDOL!" and "Uh huh, I'm so diva-licious! I sing much betta' than Mariah Carey!" and once they open their mouth, they just DONT sound like the next American Idol.
So when I first saw Kevin Skinner, I was like "Sherina, prepare to laugh...HARD!". BUT NOOOOO! Kevin Skinner is the bomb! His rendition of 'If Tomorrow Never Comes' is just drop dead awesome!
Unlike Nigel Soh, who is Kris Allen's die hard fan, I only watch the audition portion of American Idol. This may sound harsh but I secretly love to watch the auditions because you watch people going "Yeah, I'm gonna be the NEXT AMERICAN IDOL!" and "Uh huh, I'm so diva-licious! I sing much betta' than Mariah Carey!" and once they open their mouth, they just DONT sound like the next American Idol.
So when I first saw Kevin Skinner, I was like "Sherina, prepare to laugh...HARD!". BUT NOOOOO! Kevin Skinner is the bomb! His rendition of 'If Tomorrow Never Comes' is just drop dead awesome!
Tell why you're so hard to forget
I've practiced this for hours, gone round and round
And now I think that I've got it all down
And as I say it louder, I love how it sounds
Cause I'm not taking the easy way out
Not wrappin' this in ribbons
Shouldn't have to give a reason why
It's no surprise I won't be here tomorrow
I can't believe that I stayed till today
Yeah you and I will be a tough act to follow
But I know in time we'll find this was no surprise
It came out like a river once I let it out
When I thought that I wouldn't know how
Held onto it forever, just pushing it down
Felt so good to let go of it now
Not wrapping this in ribbons
Shouldn't have to give a reason why
It's no surprise I won't be here tomorrow
I can't believe that I stayed till today
There's nothing here in this heart left to borrow
There's nothing here in this soul left to say
Don't be surprised when we hate this tomorrow
God knows we tried to find an easier way
Yeah you and I will be a tough act to follow
But I know in time we'll find this was no surprise
Our favorite place we used to go
The warm embrace that no one knows
The loving look that's left your eyes
That's why this comes as no,
As no surprise
If I could see the future and how this plays out
I bet it's better than where we are now
But after going through this
It's easier to see the reason why
It's no surprise I won't be here tomorrow
I can't believe that I stayed till today
(stayed till today)
Yeah you and I will be a tough act to follow
But I know in time we'll find this was no surprise
Our favorite place we used to go
The warm embrace that no one knows
The loving look that's left your eyes
But I know in time we'll find this was no surprise
wandering trail
I accompanied my mother to a site for measurement and I'm dead pooped! We measured the WHOLE day and I tell you, the house is HUGE! PLUS, it's situated on top of a hill. The owner must have paid a HUGE sum for the lot and the house because the view is just SPEC-TA-CU-LAR! When I saw the pool, my jaw literally dropped!
Anyway, I'm dead tired. The only things I enjoyed today: the canyon drive and the great Mexican lunch we had!
Bye bye Amigooooooooooooooooos !
Introducing my future husband: KIM BUM! ♥

Trin and I are SO ADDICTED TO BOYS OVER FLOWERS! I didn't think much of this Korean drama but now that I've started watching it, I can't get enough of the series! I LOVE KIM BUM/ YIJUNG! OMG!
I am going to book myself the next flight to Korean and find him! ONE DAY...!
I am going to book myself the next flight to Korean and find him! ONE DAY...!
I give you lemonade. You give me your heart
Trin: OMG Blake has had 10...no 12 girlfriends.
First, it was Sarah.
Then, is was me.
Then, it was Kiara. OH OH!
YEAH! Blake liked Kiara just cuz he wanted lemonade!
My mom seems to be VERY up to date with the latest gossips in Trin's girl group.
Anyway, I went to the doctor's for vaccinations today. I was only mentally prepared to receive 3 injections but I received SIX INJECTIONS! Now, my arms hurt so much! It feels like Trin bit them off and my mom sewed them back on! TRUE OR NOT TRUE? IT IS VERY TRUE!
I LOVE MARIETTA! Her call on Saturday morning was such a great way to start the weekend! THANKS WOMAN! <333333
First, it was Sarah.
Then, is was me.
Then, it was Kiara. OH OH!
YEAH! Blake liked Kiara just cuz he wanted lemonade!
My mom seems to be VERY up to date with the latest gossips in Trin's girl group.
Anyway, I went to the doctor's for vaccinations today. I was only mentally prepared to receive 3 injections but I received SIX INJECTIONS! Now, my arms hurt so much! It feels like Trin bit them off and my mom sewed them back on! TRUE OR NOT TRUE? IT IS VERY TRUE!
I LOVE MARIETTA! Her call on Saturday morning was such a great way to start the weekend! THANKS WOMAN! <333333
Once again, my weekend was intensely great!
On Friday, Trin, Jessa, Mother and I attended Sofia's 8th Birthday party at Boomers. Of course, it was a kids party and it was weird! The kids were basically running around while the parents followed them around like bodyguards. Somehow, having a sister who is 10 years younger has brought out my motherly instincts. OMG RIGHT? I feel like I'm in the mother's club or something. Jessa has already commented that I seem to be like Trin's mother! AHHHHH! I don't want to be mistaken for my sister's MOTHER? Anyway, while the kids were running around like zombies on sugar, Jessa and I played a game of mini golf! My mood was quickly dampened when I found out that I could have spent my 8 bucks on leisure tagging instead WHICH the kids DID play! ARGH! Overall, Sofia's party was the bomb!
because it was 65 bucks
Last Friday, I spent the afternoon with my mother at Villa Park. She took me there to help her measure her new project! Anyway, nothing much interesting happened accept for the fact that I burned a hole in my mom's pocket! Wanna know what I did?
I accidentally locked the car with the keys INSIDE! and just like that, my mother had to fork out $65 just to get someone to pry the door open and retrieve the keys out!
Thank GOD I didn't get a massive lecture cuz I was already having a major head ache
...YES YES MOM. I learnt my lesson
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